[This sends you to another site, so don't panic] Hello UCL and Madness Combat nation, I'm back but with some huge news.It's time for the Semifinals, which means you could stream the match here. Semifinals
Now, let's reveal our weekly winners of the week!
Shout out goes to @GabrielBarsch for the inspiration for this newsletter
Weekly winners: @Cethic @Zapchon and @Nena for their character sprites for the epic birthday card for @TomFulp
Latest news:
- Velour and Cethic saw Kate Abdo at the supermarket while shopping for the event. (And yes, real Kate Abdo)
2. @TomFulp is getting a huge birthday surprise from us that might change his way: We're taking him to the Semifinals to watch Real Madrid beat butt so if Tom enjoys it then we will send him to the Finals in London that he will definitely love
3. Madness Combat and UCL are still happening because week 1 went successful, and week 2 went over the top, so let's hope that the hype of this week would be amazing because we appreciate our support on both sides (in case you didn't forgot) our boi Sanford will be preforming in London on Saturday June 1st 2024 don't miss out
Now, where did I put the jerseys at?
To everyone who is enjoying next week's events and the birthday gala stay updated with me right here, and if you guys are interested in adding stuff to my newsletter, you could send your ideas here (accidentally moved to the top of the newsletter so go check that out)
Have an amazing birthday, Tom Fulp and everyone here. Let's get this UCL event hyped up
Happy 29th to NG, and happy almost 90th matches to you UCL we will be appreciating the prospective sides of all.
The first person to guess who will win the semifinals will be picked for our free NG stickers and free jerseys giveaway on the 30th of April so drop a comment here if you're interested in participating in this giveaway!